Learning Expedition in Amsterdam :
Explore The Motor Of Innovation


Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, has become a popular destination for learning expeditions in recent years. A learning expedition is an immersive educational experience that takes place outside of a traditional classroom setting, often in a new location. Amsterdam is an ideal location for such an expedition due to its innovative spirit and focus on sustainability. From visiting cutting-edge startups and tech hubs, there are numerous opportunities for participants to learn and grow in Amsterdam. This vibrant city offers a unique and enriching experience for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and ways of life.


Amsterdam presents an excellent opportunity for a corporate learning expedition focused on innovation, technology, AI, leadership, new ways of working, future trends, CSR, and related areas. Boasting a lively and varied business community, the city places significant emphasis on sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


Learning Expedition in Innovation and Technology:

Amsterdam is a hub for innovation and technology, with a thriving startup ecosystem and a strong culture of entrepreneurship. Companies like Booking.com, Adyen, and TomTom have all been founded in Amsterdam, and there are many more startups and tech companies in the city. A visit to companies like these can offer valuable insights into how they approach innovation and technology, as well as how they have scaled their businesses.

Learning Expedition in AI:

Amsterdam is also home to some of the leading AI research institutes in the world, such as the Amsterdam Data Science Center and the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence. These institutes are working on cutting-edge research in areas such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. A visit to these institutes can provide participants with a deeper understanding of the latest developments in AI and how they are being applied in industry.

Learning Expedition in New ways of working:

Amsterdam is known for its progressive business culture, with a focus on new ways of working, such as flexible work arrangements, remote work, and agile methodologies. Companies like ING, Heineken, and Philips have all embraced these new ways of working, and a visit to these companies can provide participants with insights into how they are implementing these practices.

Learning Expedition in CSR:

Amsterdam is home to many companies that are committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies like Unilever, AkzoNobel, and Rabobank have all made significant commitments to sustainability and CSR, and a visit to these companies can provide participants with insights into how they are integrating these values into their business strategies.

Topics Of Interest For Your Learning Expedition In AMSTERDAM:

# Fintech

# Biotech

# Cyber security

# AI

# Life Sciences

# IT

# Blockchain

# Learning

# Culture

# Environment

# Finance

# Education

Contact us about your objectives and topics of interests for your Learning Expedition in AMSTERDAM:

What to expect from the Learning Expedition in AMSTERDAM with us?

Our company is dedicated to designing tailor-made learning expeditions that offer an exclusive opportunity to delve into the latest trends and practices in a particular industry. We provide a complete service that manages all logistical details, allowing our clients to concentrate solely on enhancing their learning experience and developing their professional network. Our skilled facilitators guide the expeditions, stimulating participants to think innovatively and critically, broaden their horizons, and gain new insights into their field. Our objective is to provide a dynamic and transformative experience that motivates and empowers our clients to achieve their objectives.